Summer Concert 2023

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8th July 2023 at All Saints Church Hall, Greenbanks Close, Milford on Sea SO41 0SQ

This year's Summer Concert was in aid of the Community First Responders, which we also supported in last year's Christmas Concert. Using our afternoon tried and tested tea and TASTY cake format a good time was had by all. We played a variety of pieces arranged for flute choir, including the hauntingly atmospheric 'Oblivion' by Ástor Piazzolla and the beautiful and well known 'Chanson de Nuit' and 'Chanson de Matin' by Edward Elgar. 'Dance of the Reed Pipes' by Tchaikovsky is well known for being used in the 1977 Cadbury Fruit ad Nut advert. To add a little bit of fun to the afternoon, a prize of a fruit and nut chocolate bar was given to the person who guessed that it was Frank Muir who sang it! Rhythmic pieces included a Caribbean calypso. This particular calypso melody was made popular by Harry Belafonte in 1956 and appeared on his album Calypso as 'Jamaica Farewell'. Once again our audience donated generously to our cause and we raised £505.

some picture from event

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